Now that episode 1 has shown us that Jerry and Beth are open for a threesome, would the writers be willing to push the boat out and create a storyline where the great beta male Jerry smith becomes a polygamist?

This crowd looks too small for one of our famous. (Rick and Morty fist bump.) Yo, deejay, drop that beat. Now that Space Beth is back with the family, will she disappear again in episode 3 or will she continue to have adventures with the rest of the family? (Lowers Morty’s pants slightly and puts a hat on him.) Just follow my lead. Going into Season 5, fans weren't sure whether to expect Jerry to be settled with two new wives or if the writers would finally address which Beth was "Real Beth" and which one was simply the clone. The Season 4 finale left Rick and Morty fans on a cliffhanger. In one small moment, you're lead to believe that this could even be an interdimensional cable 3 episode before realizing that you're just looking at another family that is going to be killed. The fact that we see a numerous number of Rick and Morty's dying throughout the episode nods back to episodes such as The Ricklantis Mixup where an evil droid Rick (powered by evil Morty) travels through the different dimensions attempting to kill all the different Rick's and kidnapping Morty's to be used as a shield against his unique brainwave. The episode weaves different themes as we get glimpses into each of the decoy families.

His reason for building this is because as the smartest man in the multiverse, he sees a number of decoy families as a method of deterring or misdirecting the different enemies that he has built up across his 70 years of exploring multiple dimensions. In the second episode of Rick and Morty's 5th season, we're informed that Rick has in fact built a set of decoy families that (like Westworld, Ex Machina, and Terminator) are a mixture of robotic skeletons covered in organic matter to produce sentient life.